I have been a lifelong Android-user and was making fun of iPhones. But that ended when my lifelong Android-user brother got an iPhone and I tried using it. And I liked it so I was like I'm going to save up for an iPhone 13.
That day I got my first iPhone. I really liked it and I'm still using it to this day.
I think the experience is very much the same just very limited sideloading. I do not see the argument of people saying "It only has 4 GB RAM so it will be buggy" I don't think it is, I think it's much smoother and faster than my 8 GB RAM Android and that is because of them developing their OS directly for their phones so it can run much better.
I am enjoying my iPhone and will probably be an iPhone user forever. It was very dumb of me to say something about the other when I hadn't tried it.